Ecommerce Mastermind

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8 out of 10 new ecommerce stores fail within the first year...

... Mostly because they fail to have a consistent marketing plan.

Having great products alone won't make your store successful. You also need to get your message out in front of new people, convince them to buy, and get them to buy over and over again. That's the only way we've seen to consistently grow an ecommerce store!

Most store owners don't know marketing at all. They get bogged down in the weeds, chasing shiny objects and wasting precious time - and most importantly, not focusing on the 3 things they should be focusing on:

  • Getting people to know them (increase traffic and leads)

  • Getting leads to buy at the right cost (increase conversion)

  • Getting customer to buy again (increase LTV and AOV)

Chatblender Ecommerce Mastermind will help you focus on what matters most for your business. Say goodbye to shiny objects and hello to real measurable results.

Here's what we are preparing for you...

Access to experts who have done it before

You'll get access to our exclusive Discord group where you can interact with other members and our group experts, 24x7! 

Ask questions, discuss strategies, solve problems, and mingle with other ecommerce owners and agencies just like you.

This will be your go-to resource for anything related to marketing your ecommerce brand.

Weekly Office Hours

Do you ever feel stuck?

Well, get ready to forget that feeling!

During our Weekly Office Hours you'll be able to ask questions, get a second opinion, and make sure you have everything you need to keep moving forward. You'll have access not only to our experts, but also to other members who will be able to share their experiences.

Our Office Hours are live Zoom calls where everyone has the opportunity to join through audio and video, share their screens and get their questions sorted.

New trainings every month

Every month you get a brand new, fresh live training on the different topics you need to master on your ecommerce store's marketing.

Chat Marketing, optimization, SEO, Results-based PR, Facebook and Google Ads Strategy, Copywriting, and much more!

All trainings are live and 100% interactive through Zoom calls, so you get the chance to participate and ask questions. And of course, all trainings are recorded and available to all members!

Behind the Scenes, Step by Step, From Scratch

We will be building and scaling our own Drop Shipping store, from scratch. And you get to see all the details, from the inside!

Learn how we setup the store, pick products and make them irresistible to our audience, drive and convert traffic, and everything else necessary to scale and grow.

We will take an open books approach. You'll be able to see the inside, check our campaigns, see what we're doing to grow, what works and what doesn't, and even ask questions.

Join the Waitlist

A bit about us...

Since 2016 we've collectively built hundreds of chatbots in all industries and niches. And along the way, we learned that ecommerce stores make the absolute best use case for Chat Marketing.

Chat is a great tool to leverage and optimize other marketing channels, but on its own it won't do much. We're specialists in getting results for ecommerce stores. We combine Chat with Social Media, SEO, Ads, PR, email marketing, and so on. We know when to use Chat, and when not to use it.

We work directly with ManyChat, the #1 chat platform. They frequently hire us as specialist consultants, to train their audience, take care of their high ticket leads, and much more.

Check out our work

Roma by Rochi

How Roma by Rochi Saw a 741% Lift in Engagement Using Instagram Automation

Show Case Study


How hideAWAY Handmade Used ManyChat to Generate Over $100K in One Month

Show Case Study

USA Wholesale

How USA Wholesale Reduced Customer Support Costs by 60% With ManyChat

Show Case Study

Lash Luxury

241% Sales Bump and 3x ROI with 1 PR Campaign.

Show Case Study

Wild Willies

81% Traffic Bump with Revived SEO Strategy.

Show Case Study

Check us out

Check our website to learn more about what we do.

Check us Out

New Courses every Month

These are some of the training courses we have lined up for our monthly Courses:

  • Boost UGC with Instagram Giveaways

  • Using SMS Marketing to 10x your Conversion

  • Using Klaviyo to automate your campaigns

  • Get results with Pay-per-Click PR

  • Setting up your Shopify Store correctly

  • Set Taxes correctly and avoid problems

  • Setup abandoned cart flows, without discounting

  • Use AI to create SEO-optimized content with ease

  • Drive traffic with Google Ads

  • TikTok Ads Training

  • Creating Copy that Converts

  • Are you needing something else? Ask us, we'll try to fit it in!

Is this Mastermind right for YOU?

If you are...

  • Starting out with your ecommerce store, and want to avoid costly mistakes that could kill your business

  • Learning Marketing to apply to and grow your store

  • Looking to optimize and getting the most out of your store

  • Struggling with Facebook Ads that just don't work as before

  • Failing with Social Media, or tired of posting tons of content and not any getting sales

  • Constantly jumping from one strategy to the other without seeing results

  • Overwhelmed with all shinny objects and new strategies you have to learn

...then our Mastermind is exactly what you need!

Join the Waitlist

Meet the team

Gustavo Boregio

Gustavo will be your Skipper on this Mastermind. His superpower is solving problems and automating anything that can be automated. If it's possible, he can do it!

Stephen Bradeen

Stephen is our Master Strategist & Innovations Boss. He's always learning and testing new strategies to get the most out of each action we take.

Nick Julia

Nick knows everything about Marketing! He's the master of paid media, SEO, strategy and our go-to guy for guidance and advice.

Marcela Restrepo

Marcela keeps our team running at peak performance! She makes sure we have the right processes to sustain growth and get stuff done.

Your Questions Answered

Is this only for Chat Marketing?

No, not at all!

Running a successful store requires a lot more than Chat Marketing, and we have you covered.

We provide full-service marketing services to our clients, and we have experience in our own stores. We are able to assist you put the pieces together and use the right channels and strategies at the right time.

What results can I expect?

This will depend on where you are and what you're focusing on. However, we always suggest our members to set measurable, revenue-based goals to work on.

We've worked with stores starting from scratch up to 8-figure businesses. Our goal in this Mastermind is to help you focus and get results faster. We'll be here to answer questions, share our experiences, guide you, and make sure you don't get stuck and achieve your goals.

We're 100% confident that anyone who takes this Mastermind seriously and applies what they learn to their stores will achieve their goals much faster.

Do you have any guarantees?

Yes we do! If you cannot apply the Mastermind to your business, get in touch with our team and we'll refund your money. And you can also cancel your membership at any time, no questions asked!

If you're an ecommerce store, we're 100% confident that the expanded knowledge from the Mastermind will help skyrocket your business.

Do I have access to the recordings?

Of course!

All our Office Hours calls and our Monthly trainings are recorded and uploaded to the Members' area. You'll have access to all trainings and all calls recordings.

What topics are covered?

As we mentioned, we are a full-service digital marketing agency focused on getting real results.

These are some of the topics and strategies we use (and that we can help you with): email marketing, copywriting, paid media, PR, chat marketing, omni-channel marketing, site optimization, SEM and SEO, and so much more.

We're always on the lookout for new strategies to make the most of our marketing efforts, and we'll be sharing all these strategies with our Mastermind.

Can I cancel anytime?

Yes, you can cancel anytime. Simply email us and we'll cancel your subscription, no questions asked.

© 2021 Chatblender